World Sepsis Day: 13th September

World Sepsis Day: 13th September

World Sepsis Day raises awareness of sepsis, and encourages many challenges and events to take place in support of World Sepsis Day. There are many social-media challenges that you can support if you can’t hold or attend an event yourself, or there are suggestions on the types of events you could organise and how to get started.

Sepsis can be fatal, and it’s important to know the signs and symptoms. In adults and older children, the symptoms can be concerning. Symptoms can include: confusion and slurred speech, blue or grey blotchy skin, a rash that doesn’t fade when you roll a glass over it, and irregular breathing or shortness of breath. The symptoms can be signs of the fatal reaction and it’s important to call either 999 or 111 if you have any suspicions of sepsis.